Welcome to Laffan Software Limited
(CIN: L72200AS1985PLC002426)

Pursuant to Clause 49(1) of the Listing Agreement, Code of Conduct for all the Directors and senior management personnel has been implemented.
Management Discussion And Analysis Overall review, industry Structure and Developments :
Terrorists, disruptive forces, bodo issues and other volatile matters compound and complicate the existing scenario and situation. There is mushroom growth of low cost outsourcing business. The future growth will be in an organic path.
Opportunities and Threat :
With its diversified portfolio of investments and trading strategy supported by liquid funds is well poised for tremendous growth with existing robust market sentiments.
Out Look :
Financial Year | Amount of net profit (Rs) |
2013-14 | 561784 |
2012-13 | 1220093 |
The profit was mainly due to volatile market conditions.
Internal control System :
There is an adequate system of internal control, to ensure maintenance of proper accounting records and provision of reliable financial data. There is a strict adherence to all internal control, policies and procedures. All compliances and regulatory guidelines are scrupulously followed.
Human relations :
It has a team of effective, efficient and experienced industry professionals. There is well defined in-house training programme for its employees. No manufacturing activity is carried on and consequently there is no formation of HRD.
Particulars :
Financial performance with respect to operational performance (Amount in Rs.)
Particulars | 31-03-2014 (Amount in Rs) | 31-03-2013 (Amount in Rs) |
Total Income | 1,20,14,511 | 2,04,81,897 |
Total Expenditure | 1,13,08,949 | 1,89,34,921 |
Depreciation | 1,26,323 | 3,15,807 |
Profit before Tax | 5,79,239 | 12,31,169 |
Provision for Tax - FBT | 17,455 | 11,076.00 |
Profit after Tax | 5,61,784 | 12,20,093 |
The statements include Management's Discussion and Analysis Report reflecting company's projections, estimates, expectations, predictions and also contain forward looking statements involving risks and uncertainty.
Company and Management shall not be held responsible for any loss that may arise as a result of any action taken on the basis of the information contained herein. Browsers are cautions not to place undue reliance on the forward looking statements that speak only of the expectations as of date.

- Audited and Financial Reports
- Corporate Governance Reports
- Shareholding Pattern
- Periodical un-audited Financial Results
- Investor Grievance
- Reconciliation Audit Report
- Policies
- Shifting Registered Office
Audited and Financial Reports
- Annual Return 2024.pdf
- Annual Report 2024.pdf
- Annual Return 2023.pdf
- Annual Report 2023.pdf
- Annual Return 2022.pdf
- Audited & Financial Report'2022.pdf
- Audited & Financial Report'2021.pdf
- Audited & Financial Report'2020.pdf
- Audited & Financial Report'2019.pdf
- Audited & Financial Report'2018.pdf
- Audited & Financial Report'2017.pdf
- Audited & Financial Report'2016.pdf
- Audited & Financial Report'2015.pdf
- Report_2014.pdf

Corporate Governance Reports
- Dec'2024.pdf
- Sept'2024.pdf
- Jun'2024.pdf
- Mar'2024.pdf
- Dec'2023.pdf
- Sept'2023.pdf
- Jun'2023.pdf
- Mar'2023.pdf
- Dec'2022.pdf
- Sept'2022.pdf
- Jun'2022.pdf
- Mar'2022.pdf
- Dec'2021.pdf
- Sept'2021.pdf
- Jun'2021.pdf
- Mar'2021.pdf
- Dec'2020.pdf
- Sept'2020.pdf
- Jun'2020.pdf
- Mar'2020.pdf
- Dec'2019.pdf
- Sept'2019.pdf
- Jun'2019.pdf
- Mar'2019.pdf
- Dec'2018.pdf
- Sept'2018.pdf
- Jun'2018.pdf
- Mar'2018.pdf
- Dec'2017.pdf
- Sept'2017.pdf
- Jun'2017.pdf
- Mar'2017.pdf
- Dec'2016.pdf
- Sept'2016.pdf
- Jun'2016.pdf
- Mar'2016.pdf
- Sept'2015.pdf
- Jun'2015.pdf
- Mar'2015.pdf
- Dec'2014.pdf
- Sept'2014.pdf
- Jun'2014.pdf
- Mar'2014.pdf
- Dec'2013.pdf

Shareholding Pattern
- Dec'2024.pdf
- Sept'2024.pdf
- Jun'2024.pdf
- Mar'2024.pdf
- Dec'2023.pdf
- Sept'2023.pdf
- Jun'2023.pdf
- Mar'2023.pdf
- Dec'2022.pdf
- Sept'2022.pdf
- Jun'2022.pdf
- Mar'2022.pdf
- Dec'2021.pdf
- Sept'2021.pdf
- Jun'2021.pdf
- Mar'2021.pdf
- Dec'2020.pdf
- Sept'2020.pdf
- Jun'2020.pdf
- Mar'2020.pdf
- Dec'2019.pdf
- Sept'2019.pdf
- Jun'2019.pdf
- Mar'2019.pdf
- Dec'2018.pdf
- Sept'2018.pdf
- Jun'2018.pdf
- Mar'2018.pdf
- Dec'2017.pdf
- Sept'2017.pdf
- Jun'2017.pdf
- Mar'2017.pdf
- Dec'2016.pdf
- Sept'2016.pdf
- Jun'2016.pdf
- Mar'2016.pdf
- Dec'2015.pdf
- Sept'2015.pdf
- Jun'2015.pdf
- Mar'2015.pdf
- Dec'2014.pdf
- Sept'2014.pdf
- Jun'2014.pdf
- Mar'2014.pdf

Periodical un-audited Financial Results
- Dec'2024.pdf
- Sept'2024.pdf
- Jun'2024.pdf
- Mar'2024.pdf
- Dec'2023.pdf
- Sept'2023.pdf
- Jun'2023.pdf
- Mar'2023.pdf
- Dec'2022.pdf
- Sept'2022.pdf
- Jun'2022.pdf
- Mar'2022.pdf
- Dec'2021.pdf
- Sept'2021.pdf
- Jun'2021.pdf
- Mar'2021.pdf
- Dec'2020.pdf
- Sept'2020.pdf
- Jun'2020.pdf
- Mar'2020.pdf
- Dec'2019.pdf
- Sept'2019.pdf
- Jun'2019.pdf
- Mar'2019.pdf
- Dec'2018.pdf
- Sept'2018.pdf
- Jun'2018.pdf
- Mar'2018.pdf
- Dec'2017.pdf
- Sept'2017.pdf
- Jun'2017.pdf
- Mar'2017.pdf
- Dec'2016.pdf
- Sept'2016.pdf
- Jun'2016.pdf
- Mar'2016.pdf
- Dec'2015.pdf
- Sept'2015.pdf
- Jun'2015.pdf
- Mar'2015.pdf
- Dec'2014.pdf
- Sept'2014.pdf
- Jun'2014.pdf
- Mar'2014.pdf
- Dec'2013.pdf

Investor Grievance
- Dec'2024.pdf
- Sept'2024.pdf
- Jun'2024.pdf
- Mar'2024.pdf
- Dec'2023.pdf
- Sept'2023.pdf
- Jun'2023.pdf
- Mar'2023.pdf
- Dec'2022.pdf
- Sept'2022.pdf
- Jun'2022.pdf
- Mar'2022.pdf
- Dec'2021.pdf
- Sept'2021.pdf
- Jun'2021.pdf
- Mar'2021.pdf
- Dec'2020.pdf
- Sept'2020.pdf
- Jun'2020.pdf
- Mar'2020.pdf
- Dec'2019.pdf
- Sept'2019.pdf
- Jun'2019.pdf
- Mar'2019.pdf
- Dec'2018.pdf
- Sept'2018.pdf
- Jun'2018.pdf
- Mar'2018.pdf
- Dec'2017.pdf
- Sept'2017.pdf
- Jun'2017.pdf
- Mar'2017.pdf
- Dec'2016.pdf
- Sept'2016.pdf
- Jun'2016.pdf
- Mar'2016.pdf

Reconciliation Audit Report
- Dec'2024.pdf
- Sept'2024.pdf
- Jun'2024.pdf
- Mar'2024.pdf
- Dec'2023.pdf
- Sept'2023.pdf
- Jun'2023.pdf
- Mar'2023.pdf
- Dec'2022.pdf
- Sept'2022.pdf
- Jun'2022.pdf
- Mar'2022.pdf
- Dec'2021.pdf
- Sept'2021.pdf
- Jun'2021.pdf
- Mar'2021.pdf
- Dec'2020.pdf
- Sept'2020.pdf
- Jun'2020.pdf
- Mar'2020.pdf
- Dec'2019.pdf
- Sept'2019.pdf
- Jun'2019.pdf
- Mar'2019.pdf
- Dec'2018.pdf
- Sept'2018.pdf
- Jun'2018.pdf
- Mar'2018.pdf
- Dec'2017.pdf
- Sept'2017.pdf
- Jun'2017.pdf
- Mar'2017.pdf
- Dec'2016.pdf
- Sept'2016.pdf
- Jun'2016.pdf
- Mar'2016.pdf
- Dec'2015.pdf
- Sept'2015.pdf
- Jun'2016.pdf
- Mar'2016.pdf

- Appointment Letter Independent Director
- Archival Policy
- Authorization and Contact details of KMP as per regulation 30 5
- Code of Practices and Procedures for Fair Disclosure of UPSI
- Familiarisation programme
- Material Subsidiary Policy
- Nomination and Remuneration Policy
- Policy for Determination of Materiality of Events
- Related Party Transactions Policy
- Whistle blower policy

Notices of EOGM for Shifting Registered Office

- Board of Directors
- Registered Office Address
- Registrar & Share Transfer Agent
Board of Directors :
Company Secretary :
- 1. Smt. DEEPA BANSAL - Compliance Officer
Incorporated on 26.08.1985. The present name from the earlier name S.S.Construction and Finance Limited is effective from 22.12.1999.
Appropriate approval was accorded by ROC, Guwahati, Assam. Managed by efficient, competent, independent and qualified Directors.
Registered Office Address :

- 205, Haribol Roy Market,
- 2nd Floor, A.T.Road
- Guwahati - 781 001.
Corporate Office Address :

- 21/7, Sahapur Colony,
- Ground Floor,
- Kolkata – 700 053.
Incorporated on 26.08.1985. The present name from the earlier name S.S.Construction and Finance Limited is effective from 22.12.1999.
Appropriate approval was accorded by ROC, Guwahati, Assam. Managed by efficient, competent, independent and qualified Directors.
Registrar & Share Transfer Agent :

- ABS Consultant Pvt. Ltd.
- "Stephen House" 6th Floor,
- Room No. 99, 4, B.B.D.Bagh (East),
- Kolkata – 700 001
Incorporated on 26.08.1985. The present name from the earlier name S.S.Construction and Finance Limited is effective from 22.12.1999.
Appropriate approval was accorded by ROC, Guwahati, Assam. Managed by efficient, competent, independent and qualified Directors.
Registered Office Address :

- 205, Haribol Roy Market,
- 2nd Floor, A.T.Road
- Guwahati - 781 001.
Corporate Office Address :

- 21/7, Sahapur Colony,
- Ground Floor,
- Kolkata – 700 053.